Web Design

We Work With you, Not For You

1) Blood Bank Website Design


This is a blood bank website that I created for my college assignment. The Complete Project Created By Using Only HTML And CSS Raw Code. I designed as many system pages as there are systems in a blood bank website.

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2) CTG medical Website Design


This is a medical website that I created to test my skills. The Complete Project Ready By Using Only HTML And CSS Raw Code. I designed as many system pages as there are systems in a medical website.

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3) Basic Website Design


I created this website when I was doing a web design course to get good practice on starting projects and coding style. The Complete Project Ready By Using Only HTML And CSS Raw Code.

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4) Bike Sell Website Design


This is a bike selling company website. The Complete Project Ready By Using Only HTML And CSS Raw Code. This was the first assignment I submitted in Cyber-Tech during my course which taught us about coding styles.

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5) Room Decoter Website Design


I created this website when I was doing a web design course to get good practice on starting projects and coding style. The Complete Project Ready By Using Only HTML And CSS Raw Code.

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6) PANDA E-Commerce Website Design


This is a Product selling E-commerce website. The Complete Project Ready By Using Only HTML And CSS Raw Code. This was the 2nd assignment I submitted in Cyber-Tech during my course which taught us about coding styles.

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Rakiful islam

A Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) student is immersed in the world of algorithms, programming, and technology, constantly exploring innovative solutions. They navigate the digital landscape with a passion for problem-solving and software development